2024 Elanco Interceptor Rebate: Save on Flea & Tick Treatment for Your Pet

2024 Elanco Interceptor Rebate – Elanco will offer an Elanco Interceptor Rebate program in 2025 that is specifically targeted to pet owners. The Elanco Interceptor Rebate can help owners save on flea and tick treatment for their pet, which helps prevent skin infections, anemia and disease transmission – providing owners with an excellent opportunity to save on healthcare costs for their furry friend! The rebate program gives owners a great way to do just that!

Eligibility Criteria for Elanco Interceptor Rebate Program

Pet owners looking to participate in the Elanco Interceptor Rebate program must meet certain eligibility criteria in order to participate. They must be legal residents of the US and have purchased Elanco Interceptor Plus within a certain time frame – along with proof of purchase including product name, purchase date and purchase price.

How to Join the Elanco Interceptor Rebate Offer (Rate Plan)

Participating in the Elanco Interceptor Rebate program is simple – simply follow these steps:

  1. Purchase Elanco Interceptor Plus for your pet.
  2. Once completed, collect all relevant paperwork (proof of purchase and weight of pet).
  3. Fill out and submit the rebate form found on Elanco website along with required documentation to the address listed on it.


The Elanco Interceptor Rebate program offers pet owners an ideal way to save on healthcare costs for their animals. Participation ensures that pets receive necessary treatments against fleas and ticks; for more information about how this works and how you can participate, visit the Elanco website today!

Additional Information

Flea and tick treatment are an essential component of pet healthcare, making the Elanco Interceptor Rebate program an economical solution. Pet owners participating in this program can get a rebate on purchases of Elanco Interceptor Plus medication which has proven its efficacy against fleas and ticks in pets.

Elanco Interceptor Plus not only protects pets against flea and tick bites, but it can also prevent heartworm disease – which is potentially life-threatening for their furry friends. By administering Elanco Interceptor Plus to their furry pals, owners can help ensure their health is preserved against flea and tick-borne diseases.

The Elanco Interceptor Rebate program offers pet owners an effective way to save on healthcare costs for their furry friends while still giving their furry pals top care. To take part, pet owners need only purchase Elanco Interceptor Plus and collect any necessary documentation; once completed they should submit the rebate form and wait for their rebate check back from Elanco which will then be processed and sent directly back out with their purchase of Elanco Interceptor Plus!

As we’ve seen, the Elanco Interceptor Rebate program provides pet owners with an incredible opportunity to reduce costs associated with pet healthcare while still giving their animals excellent treatment. By participating in this program, pet parents can help ensure their animals remain healthy and free from flea and tick-borne diseases. To understand more additional regarding how you can take part, visit Elanco’s website today.

Download 2025 Elanco Interceptor Rebate

2024 Elanco Interceptor Rebate
2025 Elanco Interceptor Rebate
Download 2025 Elanco Interceptor Rebate

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